Lou Viallon
un feu à soi
Un feu à soi, literally a fire of one’s own, is a shelter for my projects and the ones of the artists i am believing in.
It collects music, dance and theater projects as well as visual works, photographies, films, plastic arts…
For now, we propose mainly performances and exhibitions.
It arose from our need to gather our forces & desires & dreams. We feed this collective with love & anger, with queer & feminist & punk hopes.
The collective owns a portable projector and a floor so we can project & perform in very different places.
You are interested by programming us or proposing a collaboration? Write us! Let’s meet!
quelque chose d’épuisé en toi
réclame violemment un corps
sans honte ni retenue
Quelque chose d’épuisé en toi réclame violemment un corps sans honte ni retenue, literally Something inside of you is violently asking for a body freed from shame and restraint, is my first video work. It is a collection of 5 short films, lasting from 20 seconds to 3 minutes. I shot them in October 21 in Biarritz, France; they are performing by Adèle Daléas; the music had been created by Antonin Dorlipo.
This collection results of my desire to reconnect with the girl in ourselves, to reconnect with what existed before any kind of sexualization. We wanted to renew the woman identified body’s significations, to free it from any signification. It explore nudity as the very simpler state of a body.
The title is a quote from Christine Aventin, in Féminispunk. She played a particularly important part in this project and in my intimate journey.
30 minutes of movement + sound constructions leading my body to embrace new narratives.
a method connecting the ground and air, through stellar organic and metallic music, to the the skin nerves muscles bones water plasma mucus composing me.
Join our circle, take a site, invite us to perform at yours!
about + contact
L o u V i a l l o n (she/he/they) is an autodidact performer and visual artist based in Paris,working on a movement research closely connected to video and volume experiments. They attempt to build oneiric artistic objects which are out of the predominant truth, releasing untold stories, giving strength while sublimating anger.
Their feminist queer punk utopias are the core of their easthetic.